how to get better sleep
How To Get Better Sleep

Ultimate Guide on How to Get Better Sleep

How To Get Better Sleep

Sleep is just as important for our health as nutrition and exercise —— it is our pillar of health. However, many people find it a struggle to achieve the rest their body requires thus they grapple with fatigue, stress, and long-term health problems. Have you ever wondered about ways to Fall Asleep Faster at night and stay asleep longer. Lets get one thing clear; improving sleep quality is the best way to your health and the right path to great overall well-being. Inside this article, we will be discussing the quick and clear approaches, valid strategies, high-quality products that will make the years you come get a good night’s sleep the time you will enjoy your life completely.

Why is Sleep So Important?

Before we proceed with finding how to get better sleep, it is imperative to ponder the question of Why sleep is so important. Sleep is in fact– it is this component that shapes your body in all its ways. It is this podium where the brain performs memory consolidation the tissue in our body repairs itself, and the hormones get back into a balance. In addition to your mood, your insufficient sleep also has those effects on poor judgment, and general memory lapses. Moreover, sleep deprivation can actually worsen your problems and bring about heart disease, obesity, and diabetes as well.

Health is not the only sphere of life where sleep is essential– mental performance and productivity are two other areas where proper sleep is highly influential. On the contrary, it has been noticed that those who usually sleep better are ones who are not only productive but also have more silent moments for themselves, they are more emotionally balanced and they can include another perspective in their problem-solving solutions. Better sleep is also the ticket to better focus and a more efficient time managing of which Boost Your Productivity with These Top Tips speaks.

how to get better sleep
Cortisol levels rise significantly when stress is high. – Image by Drazen Zigic on Freepik

Common Causes of Poor Sleep

There is a number of different factors that can prevent you from getting a decent night’s sleep. Identifying these triggers will help to set the course in the right direction to sleep enhancement.

Stress and Anxiety

Poor sleep is one of the main reasons that stress is caused. Cortisol levels rise significantly when stress is high. These hormones make it difficult, or rather impossible, for you to sleep well, and increase cortisol is the primary trigger, as cortisol activates the enzymes involved in energy metabolism processes.

Workplace and stress-related issues or even personal problems are some of the sources for anxiety that may develop and keep a person up at night, Derek said.

Irregular Sleep Schedule

Each of us has an innate clock that ticks in our bodies and is called the circadian rhythm. The continuous changing of our sleep schedule every night has made the internal clock not well synchronized. Therefore, it is difficult for us to always wake up at the same time and go to bed at the same time each day. Sleeping in an irregular pattern can be the cause of a sleep disorder for a long period of time.

Poor Sleep Environment

The environment in your bedroom is largely responsible for whether or not you have a good night’s sleep. Light, noise, and temperature can all interfere with your ability to drift off into a restful state. The triad of light, noise, and temperature are the main factors that your room must provide to ensure that your sleep is productive, and if these factors are not well taken care of, your sleep will not be fit.

Caffeine and Alcohol Consumption

The consumption of caffeinated drinks in the afternoon and evening is the factor that keeps you awake. Among the impacts of alcohol one may name the following – partial impairment of the REM sleep stage as a person feels drowsy due to it, which is necessary for complete rest of the mind and the body.

Lack of Physical Activity

Not engaging in physical activity during the day can lead to the restless nights. Exercising helps set the sleep-wake pattern and thus enable you to fall asleep more quickly while also sleep quality gets better. These individuals exercising regularly are those who feel the difference in overall sleep quality that was later pointed out in our article on Effective Calisthenics Workout Routines.

By recognizing these causes, you can start making changes to sleep better.

how to get better sleep
Tips For Improving Sleep – Image by gpointstudio on Freepik.

Proven Tips on How to Get Better Sleep

If you seriously want to learn how to get better sleep, you can implement the following simple strategies every day that can help you improve your sleep:

Create a Consistent Sleep Routine

Setting the same time of going to bed and waking up is one of the easiest ways to get better sleep. To have a regular schedule is the key to the smooth circadian cycle of the body. By doing so, you train your body to come to a natural sleep state and awake on its own, making it easier for you to get deep, restful sleep. Staying regimented with this schedule forms the rock of the novel sleep habits that are mandatory for people who want to learn about how to get better sleep.

Optimize Your Sleep Environment

The qualitative nature of your sleep is highly dependent on the surroundings you sleep in. The following are the changes you can apply:

Control Light Exposure: The hormone that triggers sleep, known as melatonin, is disturbed by light. Make sure you have a dark room to get the deepest sleep possible. A complete blackout Manta Sleep Mask will prevent light entry, especially if you live in a bright area or travel frequently.

Reduce Noise: Extremely loud and frequent sounds can mess with your sleep period. Earplugs or a white noise machine can help you eliminate interruptions. In fact, the Manta Sleep Mask also comes with premium earplugs, making it the perfect travel or home accessory for those seeking deep, undisturbed sleep.Regulate Room Temperature: The optimal time to fall asleep is when your room temperature is between 60 and 67 degrees F. Your bedroom can be a blast furnace to help you get to sleep right away and stay asleep for a longer duration.

Top Basic Weight Bench for Home Gym offers comprehensive home optimization strategies for a more polished approach to the matter. An ideal inclusion that would cause a change in your sleep and overall well-being in your home is described in the article.

Limit Stimulants

Do not drink caffeine, alcohol, or consume large meals in the hours before your bedtime. Caffeine consumption leads to hours of being awake, whereas alcohol, though it may cause lethargy at first, disturbs the deep sleep phases. If you feel a desire to eat something, you can choose the snacks mentioned above. These snacks are full of vitamins and also help the body produce melatonin, which is a brain chemical that helps to promote sleep.

Incorporate Relaxation Techniques

Relaxation techniques can be a utility during the period of awakening to peacefulness/thoughtlessness. These are the following ones:

  • Deep Breathing: Try to breath in a lot slower and deeper than you do during the daytime. This will calm down your nervous system and let your body know that is time to sleep back.
  • Meditation: Meditation has shown that it can be a way of relieving stress and relaxation. The people say it is helpful to use mindfulness meditation even when they go to bed.
  • Progressive Muscle Relaxation: This technique is to be practiced by each muscle group to tense and then to relax, starting with your toes up to your head.
how to get better sleep
How To Get Better Sleep with Exercises – Image by Freepik.

Regular Exercise

Exercising during the day may regulate your circadian rhythm as well as improve the quality of your sleep. Physical activity is also a great way to get to sleep fast. Nevertheless, you should not exercise late in the night, as this could increase adrenaline levels and thus keep you awake.

Slightly more difficult than home practice, yoga means you need to get started. Give the Resistance Bands a shot to improve strength, lose weight, and have fun. These exercises will make you stronger, healthier, and also facilitate your sleep at night.

Limit Daytime Naps

Indeed, napping is really refreshing compared to a scenario of insomnia. This is followed by a 2-3 minutes rest after each 20 minutes of nap for a total nap duration of 20-30 minutes. However, the long or irregular naps during the day can mess up your sleep schedule. If you need to take a nap, make sure it is for no more than 30 minutes in the early afternoon.

how to get better sleep
We recommend trying out the Manta Sleep Mask, and if you do so, rest assured that you will wake up feeling well rested. They have it on Amazon!

Sleep-Enhancing Products and Tools

If you have tried out the changes but still wonder how to get better sleep, some of the options to ease your sleep include the use of different tools and supplements that help improve the quality of sleep.

The Manta Sleep Mask can be suggested as a product of choice for those who suffer from light sensitivity. Contrary to regular daytime sleep masks, this particular one offers a full 100% black out as a guarantee that there will be no light sources to disrupt your sleep.

Its no-pressure adjustable eye cups secure the mask in such a way that it forms a personnalized fit for eyes, making it seem like a person isn’t wearing a mask at all. It’s also created using soft, breathable materials that will not irritate your skin. Whether it is a journey, time for a daytime nap or simply an effort to avoid light at night, the Manta Sleep Mask is the right choice for knowing how to get better sleep.

Take a look at Amazon to get a clear understanding of the product, which is highly rated (more than 13,000 reviews) and is also the best-selling product in the categories of travel and night shifts.

Melatonin Sleep Aids

Melatonin is the hormone your body naturally produces to keep your body’s inner clock. If you are still finding it hard to fall asleep, you can use a melatonin supplement to solve this problem. It works even better when you are suffering from jet lag or other sleep disorders such as insomnia.


Magnesium has been used to enhance sleep owing to its ability in muscle relaxation and stress relief. You can get magnesium from foods such as spinach, nuts, and seeds or taking it in the form of a supplement.

White Noise Machines

What is white noise? Is it loud? No, it is just low-level noise that can be used as a covering sound for other noises. It will create an environment that reduces stress and promotes better concentration and sleep. It helps to produce a near-soundless atmosphere that fosters better sleep.

Myths about the Sleep Roadblock

There is a number of things people believe and say about how to get better sleep, to the extent that they end up hindering the possibility to sleep well. Nevertheless, here are the top common myths about sleep that you need to know and understand:

You Can “Catch Up” on Sleep Over the Weekend

It is true that you can’t catch up on hours of sleep you missed during the week. It throws off your body’s internal clock when you sleep late on the weekends and get up early during the week. Instead, aim to have a consistent sleep schedule on every day of the week.

Watching TV Helps You Relax Before Bed

It is a factual statement that coupling the act of gazing at the TV screen with the blue light spilling from the screen can work as a herbal remedy to your insomnia instead of helping you drift into sleep. Moreover, the effect of the television show is not as enjoyable as the effect of the light. Television shows the blue light suppression during the evening, making it more difficult to get a good night’s sleep. You can get away from increased blue light by avoiding TV and using a different gadget, reading a book instead or practicing relaxation techniques before bedtime.

More Sleep is Always Better

Having proper rest is crucial. Not only that but too much sleep can be a cause for a person to feel drowsy and lack energy throughout the day. Sleep for 7-9 hours that are good quality every night.


Sleeping with better quality is not standard to everyone because the sleep process of an individual is unique. It is a matter of figuring out what your body requires and making the changes necessary to suit your needs best. You hardly get better sleep by sticking to one approach, the success of which is to know your body. Modern times require several plans like creating an orderly sequence, making a new sleep environment, stress management, and utilization of sleeping products of Manta Sleep Mask to learn how to get better sleep and enjoy the countless benefits that come with it.

Having already embarked on this road, as a part of your process, try to figure out which strategies you find most helpful and remember to be adaptable in your approach. Eventually, you will learn the most productive tactics to boost your sleep health, which in turn will result in the enhanced physical wellbeing, improved mental clarity, and an overall happier and more productive life.


How to get better sleep?

To have a better night’s sleep, try going to bed and waking up at the same time every day. Set up a restful bedtime routine, for example, reading a book or enjoying a warm bath to indicate to your body that it is time to unwind.

How to get better deep sleep?

To promote the deep sleep, you should ensure darkness and silence as you approach bedtime. Make use of blackout curtains and white noise machines to create the quiet conditions that will help to minimize the distractions. Regular physical activity is another way to help you dive into deeper sleep.

How to get better quality sleep?

To upgrade your sleep quality, one should pay attention to his diet. The conscious of heavy and caffeinated initially else, light snacks nearer to the scarify and energize near the end of the day may be explored as another possibility. Further, light meals are the best choices for your sleep. Instead, play calming activities and do some gentle stretching or listening to some soothing music before bed can help.

How to get better REM sleep?

To achieve more REM sleep, be sure to get enough sleep each night so REM sleep will follow. A regular sleep schedule is a helpful tool to make your body transition through the sleep stages more effectively.

How to get better sleep at night?

For better sleep at night, minimize screen time in the final hour before you turn in for the night. The blue light that is emitted by screens affects melatonin production to some extent. As an alternative, you could practice journaling or mindfulness awareness to calm your mind before sleep.

How can I get better sleep?

A restful environment is a quiet and peaceful backdrop for a good night’s sleep. You can get better sleep by creating a peaceful sleep environment that’s conducive to rest. Consider using comfortable bedding, maintaining a cool room temperature, and minimizing noise and light disturbances.

How to get better sleep while pregnant?

Expectant women can have a more restful sleep by choosing the most comfortable position in bed, such as lying on the side with pillows. Staying hydrated during the day but reducing liquid intake closer to bedtime can also help minimize nighttime bathroom trips.

When does newborn sleep get better?

Newborns often undergo natural changes, typically around the 3- to 4-month period, which is when they usually slowly transform their sleep cycles. Be calm and remember that every baby is individual; establishing a routine can be helpful as they grow through different stages.

How to get a better sleep schedule?

To set a good sleep schedule, start with a bedtime that allows for enough sleep, and adhere to it, irrespective of the day of the week. Regularity lets your body sync with your internal clock which brings circadian rhythm sleep disorders.

How to get better sleep naturally?

Try some of the natural methods which are able to enhance your sleep. You can have a cup of calming herbal teas like chamomile or lavender to be drunk as a part of your evening regime. These can relax your body and make the sleeping process smoother.

How to get a better sleep?

Improve your sleep quality by changing your sleep environment. Select comfortable pillows and mattresses, and the atmosphere should be cold and dark for you, to be able to fall asleep.

How to get better score on your Apple Watch sleep app?

To enhance the score on the Apple Watch sleep app, get an adequate amount of sleep every day and create a regular sleep schedule. Tracking your routine can enable you to find the areas where changes are necessary for better sleep.

Why do I feel better when I get less sleep?

Feeling more energetic sometimes, after less sleep, could be one of the body’s ways to respond to stress or adrenaline. However, continued sleep has to be the main priority for overall health and well-being.

How do I get better sleep?

Improving sleep quality, try out different relaxation exercises that are suitable for individual conditions, either yoga or progressive muscle relaxation, to figure out which method is the best for the relaxation before the sleep.

How to get on a better sleep schedule?

To fix your sleep schedule, you can start with either 15- or 30-minute moves in each direction at some point over a week. The gradual plan lets your body adapt more smoothly.

How to get better sleep on tamoxifen?

Should tamoxifen be included in your medication regimen, it would be a good idea to consult a healthcare professional about any sleep disturbances you might be suffering from. They might advise you and give you ideas on how to handle the side effects.

How to get better sleep during perimenopause?

The better you sleep at perimenopause, the cooler your bedroom should be and maybe use fans or light bedding during hot flashes.

How to get a better night’s sleep?

One way of solving insomnia is to design your bedroom to be a peaceful sanctuary where you can chill out in bed in a silent mood with little light (no computer screens or TVs).

Talha Sahni is a software engineer by profession with over two years of experience in frontend and backend development. Passionate about personal development, Talha writes insightful articles on productivity, home organization, health and wellness, family activities, and time management. Having faced many struggles and obstacles in life, Talha aims to help others groom themselves and achieve their goals through the blog 'Growth and Shine'. When not coding or writing, Talha enjoys reading, exploring new technologies, and spending time with family